Ova knjiga me je podsjetila na izreku "Jer žena je.....žena" i o njoj odnosno nama mnogi su rekli:
Zena je varljiva — poput pera na vjetru mjenja svoje rijeci i svoje misli
uvjek dopadljivo i lijepo lice u placu ili smjehu — lažno jer
Zena je varljiva...
Uvijek je jadan koji u nju vjeruje
koji njoj povjeri svoje srce
ali nikad potpunu ne dozivi srecu
koji sa tih grudi ne popije ljubavi
Zena je varljiva... rekao je Verdijev libretist u operi Rigoletto
ali Anita Amirrezvani je u ovoj svom romanu prvijencu dokazala suprotno.... sve što jedna žena može i uspije učiniti, ma u kojem stoljeću živjela. Pročitajte.

Izvanredan roman nadahnut prekrasnim srednjovjekovnim perzijskim bajkama.Iran, sedamnaesto stoljeće. Znatiželjna četrnaestogodišnja djevojčica približava se dobi za udaju kada otkriva da joj je sudbina ugrožena zlokobnim proročanstvom. Suočena s iznenadnom smrću oca i bez izgleda za pribavljanjem miraza, djevojčica i njezina majka prisiljene su potražiti bolji život u legendarnom gradu Isfahanu, gdje ih ujak, bogati ćilimar, i njegova zahtjevna žena uzimaju k sebi za služavke. Dvije se žene susreću s okrutnim svijetom, gdje i samo preživljavanje zahtijeva nadljudsku snagu i otpornost. Krv cvijeća roman je o borbi jedne žene da stvori život prema vlastitu izboru, oslanjajući se samo na snagu svojih ruku, uma i volje.

Questo libro mi ha suggerito che la donna e' donna..... molti ne hanno espresso i propri pensieri, decantato la sua bellezza ed altre dotti ..... come pure il libretista di Giuseppe Verdi - Rigoletto
La donna é mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
Muto d'accento — e di pensiero.
Sempre un'amabile
Leggiadro viso,
In pianto o in riso — e menzogner.
Esempre misero
Chi a lei s'affida,
Chi le confida — mal cauto il cor!
Pur mai non sentesi Felice appieno
Chi su quel seno — Non liba amor
.... ma anch emolto decisa, determinata ed forte quando vuole ed desidera vincere ed realizare il proprio sogno se pur nata nel lontano XVII sec. ed nella lontana Persia.
Nella Persia del diciassettesimo secolo, una fanciulla in età da marito, all’indomani della morte del padre, unico garante della sua dote, va incontro a un irrevocabile destino di indigenza e schiavitù. La protagonista del romanzo, anonima come lo sono state le migliaia e migliaia di donne nella sua fragile condizione, ha però un dono che le altre non hanno: una perizia e un talento fuori dal comune nella tessitura dei tappeti, forma d’arte raffinatissima ma soprattutto di appannaggio rigorosamente maschile. Sarà nella mitica città di Isfahan che la giovane tessitrice affronterà gli snodi più avversi del proprio destino, scoprendo al contempo i segreti più riposti di un’arte millenaria. La vita della eroina vi sara' descrita con l'aiuto della realta ed fiabe della Persia piena di contrasti , ricchezza ed poverta.
This novel remembered me on one simply definiton that Woman is ...woman, and a lot of persons over the world have expressed their opinion, one of them was also the text writter of the famous musician Verdi for his opera Rigoletto.......
Woman is flighty
Like a feather in the wind,
She changes her voice — and her mind.
Always sweet, Pretty face,
In tears or in laughter — she is always lying.
Always miserable
Is he who trusts her,
He who confides in her — his unwary heart!
Yet one never feels Fully happy
Who on that bosom — does not drink love!
Woman is fickle swayed like a feather.
Should one believe her seeming so honest.
She is capricious swayed like a feather
should one believe her
when she is fickle.
Very great misery is yours if you trust her.
For in her glances wasted is honesty and her embraces are light hearted.
Who can believe her?
but also very faithfull and determined when she wants to achived her ideas, wherever she was born and lived, in this novel we are in the Persia and in the 17 centuries.
“The Blood of Flowers” was the debut novel by Anita Amirrezvani. She was stimulated to write this novel by a Persian carpet that was given to her by her father when she was a teen.
She anticipated the life of a carpet maker and wrote a story about a young woman of 17th century in Iran. That woman had passion of making rugs as she grew up but when her father dies suddenly, she and her mother moved to Iran and became dependent on the compassion of some wealthy relative and hoped that the young woman will find a wealthy husband. But there in Iran, the girl and her mother forced to become servants of that wealthy relative named Gostaham who worked in Shah’s carpet workshop. The girl became an expert carpet maker by learning it from a neighborhood girl. Then her uncle’s wife manipulates her into a secret marriage that spoils all her dreams.
The primary theme of this book is the carpets and the title refers to the colors that come from flowers but its story is also powerful and good as well apart from the title. “The Blood of Flowers” is a lyrically written book. It is a historical novel that takes the reader into the world of ancient Iran.