BPW International develops the professional, business and leadership potential of women on all levels through our advocay, mentoring, networking, skill building, and enconomic empowerment prgrams and projects around the world.
The International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW International) was founded by Dr. Lena Madesin Phillips in 1930. She challenged leading women in Europe and the United States to form an international organization to support and promote women in business and the professions.
Lena Madesin Phillips
The organization was founded under the name International Federation of Business and Professional Women (IFBPW), on 26 August 1930 with 16 member countries.
Today there are business and professional members from over 80 countries from all five regions of
of the world. BPW International is one of the most influential international women’s organizations in the world. The members consist of women who are influential leaders in their own countries in business and various professions, as well as young entrepreneurs.
As an NGO BPW International has international influence:
Consultation Status 1 at ECOSOC and a consulting function at UNESCO, UNIDO, UNCTAD, UNIFEM, WHO, UNICEF, FAO, IFAD.
BPW-Europe is the European Region of BPW International represented in 27 countries with over 20,000 members in all parts of Europe and with representatives in the European Union.
The BPW Danube Net is a network for businesswomen in the Danube countries
Austria Bulgaria Croatia Germany Hungary Moldova Romania Serbia Slovakia Ukraine
BPW Pula s predsjednicom
dr sc Alidom Perkov prusustvovale su ovom eventu koji se je održao u dvorcu
ANd left that the images tells how it was. Dajmo fotografijama riječ. Lasciamo la parola alle imagini.
After a long time I'm here to take place on this event. Dopo tanti anni, ritorno a Vienna, come participante ed membro della BPW Pola, primo club Croato.
The members od the BPW Pula and the President dr sc Alida Perkov had attended this forum.
dr sc Alida Perkov Chair BPW Danube Net
ŽENA Hafiz
Ruža nije lijepa, ako uz cvjetove njene
nema umilnog lica drage, voljene žene.
Bez opojnog pića, bez dobrog starog vina
ni proljeće ne vrijedi, ni njegova milina.
nebo ti je pusto, i sva je bašta pusta
ako nema poljupca s toplih, rumenih usta.
I na svijetu ti, brate, nema tužnije stvari
nego gledati dragu kad se u licu žari.
Kada se u njoj tajno ljubavna vatra budi,
a ne brati poljupce, ne milovat’ joj grudi.
I ples vitkog čempresa i umilnost ruže,
ako nema ljubavi, šta mogu da ti pruže?
I sva svjetlost uma, pa i mudrost sama,
bez svjetlosti ljubavi nisu nego tama..
Divna je ljepota pjesme, ruže, vina,
no kad nema žene sve je to praznina.
Nije zanimljivo ono što vam žene kažu, zanimljivo je ono što prešute - Shakespeare
Il Coraggio delle Donne
Bruno Esposito
Sono coraggiose le donne,
ci costa caro, ma bisogna ammetterlo.
La fragilitŕ? Solo uno stato culturale,
piů che un dato biologico.
Sono forti e coraggiose, le donne.
Quando scelgono la solitudine,
rinunciando a un falso amore,
smascherandone la superficialitŕ.
Sono coraggiose le donne, quando
crescono i figli senza l'aiuto di nessuno,
rivalutando l'ancestrale primato,
quello di essere mamme.
Hanno il coraggio di non chiedere
a uomini che sono anche padri,
la loro presenza,puntualmente assente.
Uomini che rifuggono le proprie responsabilitŕ,
trincerandosi in comodi ruoli o paraventi
infantili di adulti mai cresciuti.
Sono forti e coraggiose, le donne,
quando a discapito di tutto e di tutti
scelgono i propri compagni; costruendo solide storie
spendendo patrimoni sentimentali, contro la morale comune.
Sono forti e coraggiose, le donne, quando sopportano,
violenze di ogni tipo, per salvaguardare quello che resta di famiglie,
che non son piů tali
Sono la speranza del mondo, le donne, in qualsiasi
circostanza continuano a far nascere uomini,
che poi le tradiranno.
A tutte le donne
Fragile, opulenta donna, matrice del paradiso
sei un granello di colpa
anche agli occhi di Dio
malgrado le tue sante guerre
per l’emancipazione.
Spaccarono la tua bellezza
e rimane uno scheletro d’amore
che però grida ancora vendetta
e soltanto tu riesci
ancora a piangere,
poi ti volgi e vedi ancora i tuoi figli,
poi ti volti e non sai ancora dire
e taci meravigliata
e allora diventi grande come la terra.
Alda Merini
6th BPW Danube Net Business Women Forum 2011 in Belgrade/Serbia 11-13 November 2011
under the high patronage of the Chambe of Commerce

5th BPW Danube Net Business Women Forum 2010 in Pula/Croatia 4-6 November 2010
4th BPW Danube Net Businesswomen Forum 2009 Munich
3rd BPW Danube Net Businesswomen Forum in Arad/Romania 2008 under the high patronage of Senator Ardelean
19-21 June 2008
2nd BPW Danube Net Businesswomen Forum in Pula / Croatia 2007
Che cosa sarebbe l'umanità, signore, senza la donna?" "Sarebbe scarsa, signore, terribilmente scarsa". Mark Twain
"Kakvo bi bilo čovječanstvo, gospodine, bez žene?" Bilo bi siromašno, gospodine, užasno siromašno". Mark Twain
1st BPW Danube Net Businesswomen Forum in Budapest/Hungary and foundation of the BPW Danube Net
10-12 November, 2006
I am women
Daughter of Afro Caribbean roots
Full figured
Ebony coco brown
is my
My Face oval shaped
Eyes wide
Resembling moon
Lips almond
Hair as deep as indigo
I stand
5”8 feet tall
Un perfect in many ways
I have desires to seek all within my soul
Penetrating the spirit which resides
I do all to provide for my seed
I cry
when the pain and struggle is too much to bear
I laugh
Controlling my frustrations when
Pushed by the lips of my young
transcending through to the other side
I am Women
I am women
from all directions
Has been a visitor
Yet I over come
And continue
To live
I have desires
To become that women
The women who lives
inside my dreams
the one no one but I can see
A women of courage
Motivated to challenge myself until
is what I posses
I am women
I am Women
Inspiring many
I’ve fallen at the hands of abuse in ways only few have
Been informed of
But it shapes me into my transcending transformation stages to
I am women
Seen through these eyes
domestic Violence to those who could not defend themselves
I am women
I am women
I am women
Esther Melbourne
"Time spent with the woman, it is impossible to consider lost" (Andre Mauro).
Nastavak slijedi. To be continued. La storia continua.
Grazie per ogni commento. Thanks for evry comment. Hvala na svakom komentaru ma kakav on bio.
Pozdrav svim BPW članicama ma gdje bile. Hello dear BPW members where ever you are.