petak, 26. studenoga 2010.

Tusal jar. Giveaway za Sv. Nikolu; San Nicolo; Saint Nicolas.

I ovaj mjesec je bio produktivan i staklenku sam dobrahno napunila otpacima.
Peroj se danima već kupa u kiši, od sunčanih dana ni traga ni glasa, stoga je staklenka ovaj put uslikana u mom "kraljevstvu" u društvu ovog bogatog Giveaway-a kojeg otvaram od danas do zaključno 6. 12. u ponoć, a ime dobitnice biti će objavljeno najkasnije do 10. 12. 2010.
Obzirom da među mojim sljedbenicima ima kreativki koje se razumiju u sve vrste hobbija, iz tog razloga i giveaway ima svega pomalo: za decoupage, heklanje, quilting i vez.
A sada pravila, imate mogućnost do tri - komentara na ovom post-u.
1. Napisati da li ste već moj sljedbenik, ukoliko niste to postati = 1 komentar
2. Fotku giveawaya postaviti s linkom na svoj blog = 2 komentar.
3. Napišite komentar o meni i mom blogu, savjet, pohvalu, pogrdu ili jednostavno što želite = komentar.

Anche questo mese era molto produtivo, percio' il bicchiere e' abastanza rico, anche causa che un lavoro e' stato disfato per due volte, ma non una parola di piu, perche e' quasi pronto per un regalo, si deve rispetare silenzio di stampa.
Peroj e' molto pulito causa una infinita di giorni pieni di pioggia, temporali, cosi che la foto e' stata scatata nel mio "regno" di ricamina, precisamente insieme con il rico giveaway. Care mie sostenitrici, ho preparato un po di tutto, per il decoupage, tela aida + filatto per il punto croce, uncinetto, quilting.
Il giveaway e aperto fino ad 6. 12. 2010. mezzanotte, ed le estrazioni (famosi biglietini) entro il 10. 12. 2010.
Adesso un po di lavoro.
1. Un commento per essere diventata la mia sostenitrice (un po di reclam non nuoce mai), o lo sei gia' = 1 entrata
2. Un commento - prendere la foto, postare nel proprio blog + link = 2 entrata

3. Un commento perche mi segui, cosa ti piace, che cosa no, etc. = 3 entrata.

This month my TUSAL jar is also nicelly full, and this is caused by my mistakes made on one work prepared for the present.
As my Peroj is full of rain, with no sun, I make a foto of the jar beside my Saint Nicolas giveaway, and it is opened since 6th of December 2010. midnight., and the winner will be announced since the of December.
A lot of my follower are very creative, so I make a mix for the quilting, decoupage, aida+floss for cross stitch, crochett....
You can make since 3 entries.

1. Let me know if you are or will become my followers (marketing is alwas a good thing). = first entry.
2. Take a pic and post it on your blog with link = second entriy.
3. Write something about me, my blog, criticize or not me, whatever you wish. = third entry

Good luck. Sretno. Buona fortuna

utorak, 23. studenoga 2010.

Knjiga. The book. Il libro.

My suggestion for the evening reading.
La mia proposta.
Udobna fotelja, topla čokolada i Puhač stakla s Murana.
"The Glassblower of Murano" is a wonderful combination of mystery, historical intrigue and love, written by an English/Venetian author. It tells a story of passion, genius and betrayal linking the present and the past. Nora Manin decides to leave her fractured life in London to start again in Venice - and there begins to unravel the story of her ancestor, Corradino Manin, the greatest artist of glass that the famous island of Murano ever produced.
Firstly I've never been to Venice so I bring to this book nothing beyond the assurance from
everyone else that it is a magical place and really we should go one day and preferably on this.
Leonora Manin, a direct descendant of the great 17th century Venetian glass artist Corradino Manin
heads to Venice to follow in Corradino's footsteps and ply her trade as a glassblower on the Isle of
Murano. There is of course treachery afoot and the past is inevitably going to reveal its darkest
secrets as Leonora becomes the advertising gift that the company have been looking for.
If a Manin can't turn around the ailing fortunes of the business then no one can.Interestingly given
the current financial nightmare dominating the news right now,the book more than dips a toe,
albeit unwittingly,
in the real worldNow please don't think I'm being derogatory or judgemental when I say this isn't
high end literary fiction, more one of those books you'd read on holiday or when some relief from
the rigours of serious reading call. After a bout of ultra-serious reading of late The Glassblower of
Murano was the perfect antidote. The plot weaves back and forth from 17th century Venice to the
present day as old feuds surface and Leonora's life starts to become deeply embroiled in that of
her elusive ancestor's. Having perfected the art of mirror-making it was obvious Corradino might
be head-hunted (sorry) by the very person who needed a big batch order fulfilled and the unravelling
of quite how Corradino becomes Versailles mirror-maker extraordinaire to Louis XIV of France
kept me involved to the final page. Don't worry, I've given nothing away, this much is on the back cover blurb.Twists and turns abound and I was also intrigued by Marina Fiorato's technical detail here.
Making a flawless mirror took a lot of puff and one heck of a great big parison which you've then
got to put on your pontello, carefully slice your bubble and watch what happens. Plenty can go
wrong at the next stage too which is the mercury dip and of course no COSHH regulations in 1681.
It was all fascinating enough to make me want to have a go...could I do it in the Aga top oven?
So if you fancy a trip to Venice from your armchair with a headless woman for company it's easy,
names in comments because there are three prize draw copies of The Glassblower of Murano
ready and waiting for Beautiful Books to send to the lucky winners, and in the meantime I'd love
some good recommends from the Headless Woman genre, any suggestions? dovegreyreader scribbles

Venecija, 1681.Venecijanska zrcala skuplja su od zlata, a umijeće puhanja stakla najljubomornije je čuvana tajna Republike. Otok Murano zato je i dom i zatvor puhačima stakla, a zloglasno Vijeće desetorice pomno prati svaki njihov korak. No, da bi zaštitio svoju tajnu kćer, najvještiji medu njima, majstor Corradino Manin, stavlja sve na kocku prodajući svoje znanje i dušu francuskom Kralju Suncu, Luju XIV...Stoljećima poslije, napuštajući London i ruševine svog propalog braka, strastvena i nadarena Nora Manin, djevojka u kojoj teče Corradinova krv, odlučna je da u gradu svojih predaka nauči zanat puhačice stakla. U potrazi za odgovorima, onima o ljubavi i onima o staklu, Nora će se uskoro susresti s demonima od kojih je bježao Corradino, a bezvremeno suparništvo oživjet će i u drevnim je radionicama dovesti u opasnost.U gradu nestvarne ljepote, u jednoj ljubavi i jednom krvavocrvenom staklenom srcu, Norina sudbina nerazdvojivo će se ispreplesti s Corradinovom, a sve njihove tajne bit će iznesene na svjetlo dana.

Murano je došao na glas kao centar proizvodnje stakla, nakon što je Venecije 1291 godine, odlučila preseliti sve radionice za proizvodnju stakla na taj tada udaljeni otok u laguni, jer su do tada izbijali česti neželjeni požari u tadašnjoj pretežno drvenoj Veneciji.
Ubrzo je ceh staklara stekao ugled najcjenjenijih građana na otoku. Od 14. stoljeća, staklari iz Murana - mogli su nositi mač (poput plemića), imali su i imunitet od kaznenih progona poput plemića, a njihove kćeri mogle su se udavati u najbolje plemićke kuće u Veneciji. S druge pak strane dobili su i neku vrst kazne, - nisu smjeli napuštati Murano pod nikakvim uvjetima. Na taj način Mletačka republika željela je zaštititi tajnu proizvodnje stakla, što je u to doba bila izuzetno skupa i cijenjena roba. Ipak vremenom su mnogi staklari iz Murana, uz cijenu gubitka života i imovine otišli iz Murana u duge gradove po Italiji, pa naposlijetku i u druge države poput Engleske i Nizozemske.

Proizvodnja stakla u Muranu
Staklari iz Murana ipak su držali monopol na proizvodnju kvalitetnih staklarskih proizvoda čak nekoliko stoljeća, jer se jedino u Muranu znalo i proizvodilo kristalno staklo, kao i mnogi drugi staklarski proizvodi: emajlirano staklo (smalto), staklo sa zlatnim nitima (aventurin), višebojno staklo (millefiori), mliječno staklo (lattimo), te brojne imitacije dragog kamenja napravljenog od stakla.
I danas se u Muranu proizvode istim tradicionalnim metodama brojni predmeti od stakla ; od predmeta suvremene umjetnosti i dizajna, do nakita, lustera i figurica za svačiji ukus.
Neke od muranskih manufaktura su najpoznatiji svjetski proizvođači stakla, to su: Venini, Barovier & toso i Seguso.
Najstarija manufaktura za proizvodnju stakla u Muranu, koja radi i danas je Pauly & C. - Compagnia Venezia Murano, osnovana 1866 godine

A 9 minute water boat ride from the Fondamente Nuove , north of Venice, is located the island of Murano. This is where everyday life revolves around the glass making industry. Water plays a large role in life on Murano probably more so than in Venice and they have their own grand canal. The only bridge is ‘Ponte Longo', made of iron and built in 1866.

The oldest preserved evidence for the existence of the glass blower dates back to 982 and is found in Venice's archives. Documented evidence shows that in 1279, it was confined to the ‘rio dei Vetrai' where even today the oldest glass factories are located. The fortune of Murano came in 1291 when the glass makers were invited to leave Venice and move all the furnaces onto the island of Murano. This is a means of security to avoid the hazard of fire which would be very dangerous for Venice. Therefore the island became the most important centre for the glass industry in all of Europe up until the XVII century.

With the monopoly of production, Venice has been the protagonist in the history of glass pearls (conterie) since around 1200 to 1950. They are pearls obtained when working over a flame and were used as money for exchange with natives of colonial states. Glass workers were prohibited from emigrating from Venice by the threat of confiscation of property. The Republic didn't want competition arising from rival schools. Despite this, some teachers managed to emigrate illegally to Florence, London and to the rest of Europe.

The fall of the Serenissima republic, was accompanied by the decline of the craft of glasswork. The rebirth was encouraged in the mid 1800's by the Barovier, Toso, Seguso, Salviati families. The production is still today a handicraft and the majority of businesses have from 2-5 artisans even though some have 50-60 employees. The method of manufacture is the same, there are no machines and what counts is the ability as well as how much breath the artisan possesses. Every company had their own formula which up until the 1800's was secret, however with the advances in chemistry and research institutions these were no longer unknown. In the past the glass blower would show his expertise with intricate objects, however today they are no longer so complicated because articles would be too expensive.

It usually takes 3-4 people to finish an object, but in a large scale company it can be as many as 18. Artisans create objects of every colour, but only experts know how to obtain variants of red and yellow, the most difficult colours . Articles range from vases to unique pieces, statues to animals. The variety of glass in Murano is vast and can be quite expensive. Pieces signed by Barovier & Toso, Venini, and Carlo Moretti are a guarantee of international fame. There are also over 100 small businesses who work glass by candlelight and therefore don't require the furnace. They produce small pieces and souvenirs.

utorak, 16. studenoga 2010.

Nagrada. Award. Premio.

The award from Jolanda and Pipi. Grazie, Hvala. Thanks a lot.
Nagrada. Premio.
1. Zašto si stvorila blog?.
1. Whay I have opened the blog?
1. Perche ho creato il blog?

upoznati kreativne osobe širom svijeta
for meeting interesting person all over the world
per conoscere persone interesanti di tutto il mondo.

to show my creativity works

pokazati moje handmade rukotvorine

dividere le mie creazioni tramite tutorials.

3. My favorite cream.

4. My cosmetics for the discrete make up.

Variation on the theme + my mothers "boutique", since she was able to sew.

Varijacije na temu + kreacije iz maminog "boutique" dok je još šivala.

Cartamodelli + creazioni di mia cara mamma affinche cuciva.


Tople jesenje boje.

Caldi colori d'autunno.

Nice and warm autumn colours.

7. Parfums.

8. The movies.

Norvay. The Sognefjord, the man has a brain and the hand, can create, but here the nature overpassed the man and herself even.

Norvay, the Sognefjord, čovjek ima ruke i razum da stvara i kreira, ali ovdje je priroda nadmašila čovjeka i samu sebe. Ovdje čovjek zaista "plovi" malen ispod zvijezda (prema A.B. Šimiću).

Norvegia, il Sognefjord. L'uomo ha le mani ed la testa per creaare, ma qui la natura ha superato l'uomo ed se stessa. Qui l'uomo verramente naviga piccolo sotto le stelle.

And I forward this award to all gentle bloger who visit my blog, left and not the comment, to those who are making a nice foto, to them whom are restauaiting the furniture, to the "sewing" artist , quilters, painters, cross stitcher, the ladies who are involved in ceramics , jewels, knitting, crochetting, filzing, graphics, scrapping, and really all ladies which are passing by and find themsleves even in only one little part of my blog and it's posts. Be free to download this award, and left the comment so I can come and look your blog. Thanks.
Proslijeđujem ovu nagradu svim dragim blogericama koje me posjećuju i koje ja posjećujem, onima koje se bave fotografijom, koje izrađuju prekrasne decoupage uradke, one koje restauriraju namještaj u prekrasne unikate, vrijedne krojačice, pletilje, vezilje, one koje isheklaju prekrasne miljee, one čije ruke mijese i izrade prekrasne unikatne keramičke radove, nakit, naušnice perle, filz ogrlice, grafičarke, i svim onima koje prođu i posjete moj i u bilo kojem postu nađu i prepoznaju barem dio sebe i svoje kreativnost. Učinite me sretnom, preuzmite nagradu, ostavite poruku o tome, da vas mogu posjetiti i ostaviti poruku. Hvala.
Invio questo premio a tutte le care bloggine che passano ed lasciano ed non un commento in questa mia casetta virtuale che si chiama blog, a quelle che si cimentano in fotografia, decoupage, uncinetto, lavori a maglia, scraping, restauro di mobili, sartine birichine, gioelli,
ceramica, ed a coloro che si riconosco manco in uno piccollo detaglio nei post su blog di Villa Loredana. Ornate il vostro blog con questo premio, lasciate un commento, cosi vero a trovarvi ed lasciare un commento. Grazie.

četvrtak, 11. studenoga 2010.

Tutorial - cross stitch and quilting

I like to take a part in the interesting swap, and this one was so, and Argante have a nice idea. Thanks dear., but the partecipant have also original ideas to fillfull the yellow envelope.
Drago mi je učestvovati u takvim razmjenama, pogotovo ako su dobro organizirani, i s originalnim idejama. Hvala Argante.
Mi piacciono i swap bene organizati ed con delle idee brilanti. Questo di Argie e' stato verramente speciale. Grazie cara
Moja žuta kuverta je stigla na odredište, dragoj Stefaniji, stoga mogu prikazati moj swap i ujedno tutorija.
La mia busta gialla e' arrivata alla destinazione, percio poso' tramite il tutorial mostrare il contenuto.
My yellow envelope arrived to the destination, so I can show what was in.
Tema Swapa bila je čaj, izraditi nešto na tu temu, nešto nabaviti, pronaći staru limenku za čaj, i dodati nešto sitno po vlastitoj ideji. Svojevremeno sam dobila na poklon (također swap) komad finogf materijala s motivima starinskih čajnika, kud ćeš bolje, kako dimenizije nisu bile baš najbolje, odlučila sam to malo povećati i tako krenula.
The Tea swap was very interesting, and in my stash I have find a piece od linen with teapots motiv, not so big, but the idea for enlarging comes to me verry quickly, and here is the tutorial.
Cara Argi ha ideato ed organizato un eccelente swap. Nell mio baule ho trovato un pezzo di lino stamapo con delle teiere, ed la idea non tardo' ad arrivare.
Prima ho creato a punto croce due tazzine su aida celeste, ed attaccato di parte.
First make a cross stitch two tea pots on aida linen.
Prvo sam križnim bodom izradila dvije šalice na svijetloj plavoj aidi.

Mjerenje. Measuring. Misura.

Na isti način gornja i donja strana, ali jednostavno samo roza aida.
In the same way, top and down, but now the rose aida line.n
Nello stesso modo, di sopra ed di sotto, aida rosa.

Looking for the finish, but not the band; decidere per la rifinitura, pero no alla passamaneria;, odluka o završetku s kosom trakom, ali ne završetak s kosom trakom.ali odluka je bila ne kosoj traci.

Okrenula sam rad i jednostavno prevrnula roza aidu i proštepala.
Sempčicemente ho capovolto il lavoro ed con la aida rosa ho fato il borod.
Simply turned the work and finished fith the rose aida.

Cutting for the nicer edge.

Readdy for sewing. Pronto per cucire. Spremno za šivanje.

Bijela kosa traka samo s lijeve i desne strane.
The white band only on the left and right part.
Passamaneria bianca solo alla parte sinistra ed destra.

And the quilted table runner is ready, enriched with the 4 tea spoons, a cotton floss from Unitas Zagreb for cross stitch, a vanila tea cakes, a tin with jasmin tea, and lavanda sacket.
Stolnjak - u quilt stillu je gotov, dodala sam limenku s čajem, vanila čajne kekse, štrenice Ljubica Unitas Zagreb konca, i neizostavno vrećica s lavandom, Stefanija je na svom blogu objavila da jako voli lavandu, ali živi na sjeveru Italije, stoga osim u trgovini u vrtu je nema.
Il table runner in quil stille e' pronto, ho aggiunto 4 cuchianini trovatti all mecatino delle pulci, dolci al tea alla vanilia, matassine per il punto crocce, ed il jasmin tea, come pure un po di lavanda nell ssacchettino lavorato ad uncineto.

srijeda, 10. studenoga 2010.

Swap i boje jeseni. Colori d'autunno ed SWAP. The autumn colours and SWAP

Blogerica Argante organizirala je tea swap, moram priznati veoma originalno, interesantno, moja partnerica bila je Stefania s bloga i ovo je je njen poklon. Hvala. Ne preostaje nego da guštiram u čajevima koje sam našla u famoznoj žutoj kuverti. Hvala Stefania. Il contenuto della famosa busta gialla. Il Swap della cara Argante, ed la mia swapina era Stefania.
Grazie. Siete uniche.

The fomous jellow envelope arrived from Stefania, and the reason is tea swap organized by Argante. Thanks both for nice organising the swap and the present.

Razlog što nisam ažurirala blog. Dragon fly, kreatorica Ellen Maurer Stroh, dio za prekrivač.
La raggione per questo silenzio. Il Dragon fly da Ellen Maurer Stroh per la copertina.
The reason for the silent on my blog. The Dragon fly from Ellen Maurer Stroh, as the siggi for the babby quilitng blanket.

Uživajte u bojama jeseni, stablo nešpole - jpanska mušmula zeleno i u punom cvatu.
Enjoied in the autumn cololurs, the nespola - eriobotrya japonica in full flowering.
Godete nei colori autunnali, nespola in piena fioritura.
Il nespolo del Giappone appartiene alla famiglia delle rosacee e il suo nome scientifico č Eriobotrya japonica. Si tratta di un albero sempreverde della famiglia delle Rsacee, coltivato per il frutto pregiato, la nespola, costituita da un pomo, giallognolo o arancione, dalla polpa dolciastra e contenente grossi semi bruni. Il nespolo del Giappone č originario dell'Estremo Oriente, ma viene coltivato anche nelle regioni meridionali dell'Europa e degli Stati Uniti. In natura la pianta puo raggiungere anche 10 m d'altezza; nei frutteti industriali essa viene, tuttavia, potata e allevata a un'altezza di 4 m circa. E' caratterizzata da grandi foglie con nervature molto evidenti e da fiori bianchi e profumati, coperti da una fitta peluria lanosa e riuniti in pannocchie piramidali.

The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) is a fruit tree in the subfamily Maloideae of the family Rosaceae, indigenous to south-eastern China. It is an evergreen large shrub or small tree, with a rounded crown, short trunk and woolly new twigs. The tree can grow to 5-10 m tall, but is often smaller, about 3-4 m.
The leaves are alternate, simple, 10-25 cm long, dark green, tough and leathery in texture, with a serrated margin, and densely velvety-hairy below with thick yellow-brown pubescence; the young leaves are also densely pubescent above, but this soon rubs off.
Loquats are unusual among fruit trees in that the flowers appear in the autumn or early winter, and the fruits are ripe in late winter or early spring. In Northern California, loquats bear fruit in May. The flowers are 2 cm diameter, white, with five petals, and produced in stiff panicles of three to ten flowers. The flowers have a sweet, heady aroma that can be smelled from a distance.
Loquat fruits, growing in clusters, are oval, rounded or pear-shaped, 3-5 cm long, with a smooth or downy, yellow or orange, sometimes red-blushed skin. The succulent, tangy flesh is white, yellow or orange and sweet to subacid or acid, depending on the cultivar. Each fruit contains five ovules, of which three to five mature into large brown seeds. The skin, though thin, can be peeled off manually if the fruit is ripe.
The loquat is comparable to the apple in many aspects, with a high sugar, acid and pectin content. It is eaten as a fresh fruit and mixes well with other fruits in fresh fruit salads or fruit cups. Firm, slightly immature fruits are best for making pies or tarts. The fruits are also commonly used to make jam, jelly, and chutney, and are delicious poached in light syrup.
A type of loquat syrup is used in Chinese medicine for soothing the throat like a cough drop. Combined with other ingredients and known as pipa gao (pinyin: pípágao; literally "loquat paste"), it acts as a demulcent and an expectorant, as well as to soothe the digestive and respiratory systems. Loquats can also be used to make wine.
Like most related plants, the seeds (pips) and young leaves of the plant are slightly poisonous, containing small amounts of cyanogenetic glycocides which release cyanide when digested, though the low concentration and bitter flavour normally prevents enough being eaten to cause harm.


Jasmin and nar in my garden, and behind the Kaki in the Bavarien garden.

Svugdje prisutna Lea skriva se u gliciniji, i ošti kanđe.
Ever present Lea and her glicinia.
Ognipresente Lea cerca di nascondersi nella glicinia, ormai quasi senza foglie.

Pampas and jasmin.


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