srijeda, 10. studenoga 2010.

Swap i boje jeseni. Colori d'autunno ed SWAP. The autumn colours and SWAP

Blogerica Argante organizirala je tea swap, moram priznati veoma originalno, interesantno, moja partnerica bila je Stefania s bloga i ovo je je njen poklon. Hvala. Ne preostaje nego da guštiram u čajevima koje sam našla u famoznoj žutoj kuverti. Hvala Stefania. Il contenuto della famosa busta gialla. Il Swap della cara Argante, ed la mia swapina era Stefania.
Grazie. Siete uniche.

The fomous jellow envelope arrived from Stefania, and the reason is tea swap organized by Argante. Thanks both for nice organising the swap and the present.

Razlog što nisam ažurirala blog. Dragon fly, kreatorica Ellen Maurer Stroh, dio za prekrivač.
La raggione per questo silenzio. Il Dragon fly da Ellen Maurer Stroh per la copertina.
The reason for the silent on my blog. The Dragon fly from Ellen Maurer Stroh, as the siggi for the babby quilitng blanket.

Uživajte u bojama jeseni, stablo nešpole - jpanska mušmula zeleno i u punom cvatu.
Enjoied in the autumn cololurs, the nespola - eriobotrya japonica in full flowering.
Godete nei colori autunnali, nespola in piena fioritura.
Il nespolo del Giappone appartiene alla famiglia delle rosacee e il suo nome scientifico č Eriobotrya japonica. Si tratta di un albero sempreverde della famiglia delle Rsacee, coltivato per il frutto pregiato, la nespola, costituita da un pomo, giallognolo o arancione, dalla polpa dolciastra e contenente grossi semi bruni. Il nespolo del Giappone č originario dell'Estremo Oriente, ma viene coltivato anche nelle regioni meridionali dell'Europa e degli Stati Uniti. In natura la pianta puo raggiungere anche 10 m d'altezza; nei frutteti industriali essa viene, tuttavia, potata e allevata a un'altezza di 4 m circa. E' caratterizzata da grandi foglie con nervature molto evidenti e da fiori bianchi e profumati, coperti da una fitta peluria lanosa e riuniti in pannocchie piramidali.

The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) is a fruit tree in the subfamily Maloideae of the family Rosaceae, indigenous to south-eastern China. It is an evergreen large shrub or small tree, with a rounded crown, short trunk and woolly new twigs. The tree can grow to 5-10 m tall, but is often smaller, about 3-4 m.
The leaves are alternate, simple, 10-25 cm long, dark green, tough and leathery in texture, with a serrated margin, and densely velvety-hairy below with thick yellow-brown pubescence; the young leaves are also densely pubescent above, but this soon rubs off.
Loquats are unusual among fruit trees in that the flowers appear in the autumn or early winter, and the fruits are ripe in late winter or early spring. In Northern California, loquats bear fruit in May. The flowers are 2 cm diameter, white, with five petals, and produced in stiff panicles of three to ten flowers. The flowers have a sweet, heady aroma that can be smelled from a distance.
Loquat fruits, growing in clusters, are oval, rounded or pear-shaped, 3-5 cm long, with a smooth or downy, yellow or orange, sometimes red-blushed skin. The succulent, tangy flesh is white, yellow or orange and sweet to subacid or acid, depending on the cultivar. Each fruit contains five ovules, of which three to five mature into large brown seeds. The skin, though thin, can be peeled off manually if the fruit is ripe.
The loquat is comparable to the apple in many aspects, with a high sugar, acid and pectin content. It is eaten as a fresh fruit and mixes well with other fruits in fresh fruit salads or fruit cups. Firm, slightly immature fruits are best for making pies or tarts. The fruits are also commonly used to make jam, jelly, and chutney, and are delicious poached in light syrup.
A type of loquat syrup is used in Chinese medicine for soothing the throat like a cough drop. Combined with other ingredients and known as pipa gao (pinyin: pípágao; literally "loquat paste"), it acts as a demulcent and an expectorant, as well as to soothe the digestive and respiratory systems. Loquats can also be used to make wine.
Like most related plants, the seeds (pips) and young leaves of the plant are slightly poisonous, containing small amounts of cyanogenetic glycocides which release cyanide when digested, though the low concentration and bitter flavour normally prevents enough being eaten to cause harm.


Jasmin and nar in my garden, and behind the Kaki in the Bavarien garden.

Svugdje prisutna Lea skriva se u gliciniji, i ošti kanđe.
Ever present Lea and her glicinia.
Ognipresente Lea cerca di nascondersi nella glicinia, ormai quasi senza foglie.

Pampas and jasmin.

Broj komentara: 13:

  1. Obozavam boje jeseni, vidim imas divan pogled, u kojem mozes uzivati dok ispijas caj:)))

  2. Ako smijem primijetiti, često vidim da sudjeluješ u nekom SWAP-u, kako je to zabavno i baš je lijepo da se i na taj način družiš s kreativkama širom svijeta. Vrt ti je prekrasan, boje, moje omiljene, tople, smeđe, zlaćane ... Uživaj u jeseni :))

  3. Wow you are a lucky gal - your swap partner was really generous with all the goodies.

    I love your stitchery - its sooo cute!

  4. Predivan post!Slike su božanstvene!

  5. predivne slike jeseni!!sve pohvale za swap,divne stvari si dobila..topli pozdrav ti saljem!

  6. Krasne slike, imaš pravo - jesen je fantastična sa svojim toplim bojama!

  7. ah da mi je sad s tobom na terasi popiti jedan od tih finih čajeva:))).....swapovi su tako interesantni i sama uživam u njima kad god mogu:)))......
    glicinija u tvom vrtu izgleda divno a pampasicu obožavam iako kažu da ju je teško ukrotiti kad se raširi......
    lea je već prava manekenka,tko zna možda je i svjesna da će njena slika proći svijetom (blogerskim)....
    do našeg sljedećeg susreta.....

  8. Mare je upravu, pravi ugođaj je popiti neki fini čajčić u ovako prelepom vrtu :)))
    Lea stvarno zna da uživa :D

  9. Olá amiga,que beleza de jardins de planta de flolhagens o bordado e o gatinho,que fofo,bjims.

  10. Hvala vam svima,
    Biljana - Pogled na krovove zvonik crkve Svetog Spiridona, malo mora , to je s prednje strane kuće, ali ćemu opis kad skoknete do nacionalnog parka Brijuni na jednodnevni izlet, poziv uvijek važi, uostalom možete i s Brijuna i doplivati. Poziv važi za Sandru Z, Mare, Lenku, Kaću, ALeksandru, Bjondu, ma .... za sve koje me slijede.
    Thanks Lakeviewer, Deni, Karin, you are all welcome. WIth love to all. Loredana.

  11. Divno, Loredana! Sada s guštom možete ispijati čaj u svom malom raju. Pusa! :))

  12. Grazie Loredana per essere passata da me!
    Il tuo blog è stupendo!
    Anche tu hai gli alberi da frutta e un giardino bellissimo.
    Anche la grafica del tuo blog mi piace.
    A presto



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