utorak, 16. studenoga 2010.

Nagrada. Award. Premio.

The award from Jolanda and Pipi. Grazie, Hvala. Thanks a lot.
Nagrada. Premio.
1. Zašto si stvorila blog?.
1. Whay I have opened the blog?
1. Perche ho creato il blog?

upoznati kreativne osobe širom svijeta
for meeting interesting person all over the world
per conoscere persone interesanti di tutto il mondo.

to show my creativity works

pokazati moje handmade rukotvorine

dividere le mie creazioni tramite tutorials.

3. My favorite cream.

4. My cosmetics for the discrete make up.

Variation on the theme + my mothers "boutique", since she was able to sew.

Varijacije na temu + kreacije iz maminog "boutique" dok je još šivala.

Cartamodelli + creazioni di mia cara mamma affinche cuciva.


Tople jesenje boje.

Caldi colori d'autunno.

Nice and warm autumn colours.

7. Parfums.

8. The movies.

Norvay. The Sognefjord, the man has a brain and the hand, can create, but here the nature overpassed the man and herself even.

Norvay, the Sognefjord, čovjek ima ruke i razum da stvara i kreira, ali ovdje je priroda nadmašila čovjeka i samu sebe. Ovdje čovjek zaista "plovi" malen ispod zvijezda (prema A.B. Šimiću).

Norvegia, il Sognefjord. L'uomo ha le mani ed la testa per creaare, ma qui la natura ha superato l'uomo ed se stessa. Qui l'uomo verramente naviga piccolo sotto le stelle.

And I forward this award to all gentle bloger who visit my blog, left and not the comment, to those who are making a nice foto, to them whom are restauaiting the furniture, to the "sewing" artist , quilters, painters, cross stitcher, the ladies who are involved in ceramics , jewels, knitting, crochetting, filzing, graphics, scrapping, and really all ladies which are passing by and find themsleves even in only one little part of my blog and it's posts. Be free to download this award, and left the comment so I can come and look your blog. Thanks.
Proslijeđujem ovu nagradu svim dragim blogericama koje me posjećuju i koje ja posjećujem, onima koje se bave fotografijom, koje izrađuju prekrasne decoupage uradke, one koje restauriraju namještaj u prekrasne unikate, vrijedne krojačice, pletilje, vezilje, one koje isheklaju prekrasne miljee, one čije ruke mijese i izrade prekrasne unikatne keramičke radove, nakit, naušnice perle, filz ogrlice, grafičarke, i svim onima koje prođu i posjete moj i u bilo kojem postu nađu i prepoznaju barem dio sebe i svoje kreativnost. Učinite me sretnom, preuzmite nagradu, ostavite poruku o tome, da vas mogu posjetiti i ostaviti poruku. Hvala.
Invio questo premio a tutte le care bloggine che passano ed lasciano ed non un commento in questa mia casetta virtuale che si chiama blog, a quelle che si cimentano in fotografia, decoupage, uncinetto, lavori a maglia, scraping, restauro di mobili, sartine birichine, gioelli,
ceramica, ed a coloro che si riconosco manco in uno piccollo detaglio nei post su blog di Villa Loredana. Ornate il vostro blog con questo premio, lasciate un commento, cosi vero a trovarvi ed lasciare un commento. Grazie.

Broj komentara: 11:

  1. Predivan post, draga Loredana, čestitam na nagradi..

  2. Čestitka na nagradi, sve je jako lijepo napisano.

  3. sei sempre così dolce cara.....

    Un abbraccio grande grande

  4. Hvala svima, preuzmite nagradu i linkajte se.
    Grazie mia cara Argante.

  5. Hello sweetheart, lovely award and well deserved.

  6. Saljem osmeh i cestitke,Loredana.

  7. Hello Loredana I was getting worried hadn't seen anything from you in such a long time. Glad it was just problems with your computer and you were not ill. Love the pictures that you have added makes me want to come and visit, maybe one day we will. Also your lovely handwork, the colors are so pretty. One sad thing since you last heard from me I lost my lovely cat Timothy. He went out a little over a month ago and never came back home:(

    Mary Louise

  8. Congrats for the award. What is the name of the cream you use in English? I was just curious.

  9. iskrene cestitke na nagradi!!uvijek te je gust citati..pusaaaaa!!!



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